119: Laura Wertz

Police Officer


Laura Wertz has been a police officer for 15 years. She said that Covid-19 affected everything she did. She and her colleagues were aware that they would have a high level of exposure to infection. Whenever possible, they made phone calls rather than have face to face meetings.

As a patrol officer, her duties are to deal with abandoned vehicles, to make calls through county dispatch, and to be a crash reconstructionist. In many ways, she kept order during a very disorderly time. 

Throughout the pandemic, she missed the opportunity to go to the gym. When she was at home, she used puzzles and crafts and house projects to destress. 

Covid-19 definitely affected her work team. Every few weeks someone tested positive and when someone was out, others had to cover open shifts. She sees a difference in people’s mental health  since the pandemic. The lack of socialization plus the fear of illness increased anxiety in many people she saw and these factors exacerbated problems. 

She feels very appreciated by her neighborhood and hopes a sense of normalcy returns soon.


118: Audrey Townsend


120: Dimas Cortez