113: Alyssa Stine

Pre-K Teacher


Alyssa Stile is a Pre-K and daycare teacher. When the Live n Learn center closed because of the shutdown, she and her co-teachers planned activities and sent them home to students who were restricted t being home.

When children returned, careful attention was given to cleaning everything that was touched. In addition to all surfaces, any supplies that kids used needed to be cleaned. Children were supplied with individual items when this couldn’t be done. For example, all kids had to have their own play dough.

She was very surprised how well young children managed with mask wearing. At one point, the center provided a virtual option, a face-to-face option, and a hybrid option for families.  

As a teacher, Alyssa said she gained a lot more patience this past year. She felt she needed to provide a calm, comforting presence to children who she were aware of significant changes in their lives but couldn’t articulate those changes. She 

Feels she will never take hugging and being with others for granted again.


112: Amy Diggin


114: Ryan McFadden